Drunk driving is one of the most common and serious traffic violations today, and these statistics will help you understand why:
33%: The amount of drivers arrested and convicted for driving while intoxicated who are repeat-offenders and have received a DWI conviction before. In other words, although some people are just a little too careless when it comes to being safe behind the wheel, the majority of DWI arrests affect first-time offenders who simply made a mistake.
10.3 million: The number of people in one year who reported that they had driven under the influence of illicit drugs at least once in the past year. Although it can be much more difficult for cops to tell if some is driving under the influence of a drug, it’s important to remember that any drug that may inhibit your ability to drive safely — even medications that have been prescribed to you — will show up in blood test results and these DUI charges come with consequences that are just as severe as normal punishments for driving while intoxicated.
70%: The average reduction in arrest rates related to drunk driving when ignition interlock devices are installed in vehicles. These devices are often mandated by the court after a DWI conviction, and requires the driver of the vehicle to take a breathalyzer-type test and prove that he/she is not driving after drinking alcohol. If the device registers an unsafe BAC level (usually between .02% and .04%), it will keep the vehicle engine from turning on.
51 minutes: This is probably one of the most sobering statistics listed here, and is definitely something that will make you think twice before getting behind the wheel after you’ve had a few drinks. On average, there is one fatality in the U.S. caused by drunk driving car crashes every 51 minutes. Although it’s possible for anyone to make the mistake of driving after drinking a bit too much, it’s important to remember that this mistake really can have some serious consequences — for the driver, and for countless others as well.