Many people associate getting an attorney for occasions such as divorce, child custody or changing their name. However, there’s a variety of reasons to have an attorney, such as dealing with probate law or needing help with regards to taxes. Over 1 million people get audited by the IRS every year and would benefit from a qualified attorney who has been through these types of situations before. Here are a few reasons why having a lawyer on hand can help in these types of financial situations.
Estate Planning Needs careful Guidance
Estate planning is a tricky subject, with many people having strong feelings about creating their will. Over 55% of people who are asked why they don’t have a will state they haven’t gotten to creating one. While this is understandable, it’s important to have a game plan for everything, including children, pets, businesses, and other assets you wish to pass on. It’s important to consult with an attorney skilled in creating wills and having them assist you in the process.
A Tax Attorney Can Help You Should the IRS Contact You
If you’re having issues with your tax return, you’ll want an attorney who has previous experience in these matters. Getting audited by the IRS is never a pleasant process for anyone and can feel scary, especially if you have a lot of assets. Having an attorney who’ve been there before can help you feel that you’re well-represented and give you some confidence during a difficult situation.
Filing for Bankruptcy is Easier When You Have an Attorney
If you’ve determined you need to file for bankruptcy, this process can feel draining. It normally takes about half a year to complete, and you want to make sure you have all your bases covered. Seek help from a lawyer who has advised other clients on the process, and you won’t feel intimidated about getting your finances in order.
If you need help in relation to financial matters from probate law to a real estate attorney, it’s important to get experienced, professional help. This ensures you’re not missing anything and when you do file your paperwork, you’ll have everything done correctly the first time.