It’s sometimes hard to determine if you have a reason to sue someone, and you need to be sure before you can meet personal injury attorneys to start your case. Fortunately, there are several ways to tell if you can file that claim, and there are three specific issues that will require you to hire a lawyer.

Most people wonder how long after an injury can you sue, and the answer may vary depending on the laws, but it’s usually between a year and two years. You have to decide quickly and get personal injury assist. People also search for when is it too late to sue someone, and you’ll have to check for your state’s statute of limitations or consult with your legal representation.
The truth is that you don’t have to rush after an injury to file a claim. There’s time for you to recover from the situation and find the right professional to handle your case. However, you also don’t want to wait too long because you never know how the courts will schedule things. It’s better not to procrastinate.
Let’s find out more about the three issues that will make you hire a personal injury attorney and how long after injury can you sue.

Have you been involved in some sort of accident where you find yourself suddenly in need of personal injury lawyers? If so, you aren’t alone. Thousands of Americans every single day are facing this same situation. It’s not that hard to believe considering that 8 million hospital room visits each year are the result of a fall. Below are just a few reasons that you might find yourself needing personal injury lawyers:
1. Worker’s Compensation – If you are ever injured at work while doing something that is in the realm of your job description then you might be entitled to file a worker’s compensation claim. Essentially a worker’s compensation claim will make sure that you get payment for any medical bills that you are faced with and that you continue to receive a paycheck while you are recovering. Nearly 90% of all worker?s compensation claims come from employees slipping on slick floors. If you have a question about whether or not your work related injury entitles you to file a claim just check with personal injury lawyers near you to ask.
2. Slip and Fall Lawsuit – Another incredibly common type of case handled by personal injury lawyers is a slip and fall lawsuit. This type of case is self explanatory; it happens when a customer slips and falls at someone else’s place of business. This sort of thing happens at all kinds of places from grocery stores to sports arenas. If you are the victim of a slip and fall accident be sure to take down as much information as you can when it happens. Personal injury lawyers will want to know things like the time of day, the cause of the slip, the lighting and size of the area you fell in, contact information for the place of business, and more. The more information you can give them, the better.
3. Car Accidents – The most common type of personal injury case filed in the United States today involves car accidents. In 2013 alone there were over 2 million people injured in car crashes and over 20,000 people who lost their lives. Even those who take all the precautions possible to avoid car crashes sometimes fall victim. If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident that was not your fault, you may want to contact a personal injury attorney. They will be able to tell you what you are entitled to.
Worker’s compensation, slip and fall lawsuits, and car accidents are just three of the many reasons that you may find yourself in need of personal injury attorneys. If you have a question about a potential personal injury case, just pick up the phone and schedule a consult. It’s better to ask about something and be told it’s nothing than to never ask at all.