Sometimes things don’t really work out quite the way that we expect or envision. Knowing that everything will be alright eventually is one thing, living through the process until getting to that point can be quite another. If you are thinking that you will need a divorce lawyer in the near future, you’re going to want to make the whole ordeal as seamless as possible in order to preserve your mental and emotional state throughout. And the two main aspects you will want to focus on other than your own wellbeing is how quickly it can be done, and when all is said and done, having completed a low cost divorce.
The lowdown on high divorce rates
If you need a divorce lawyer, you’re not alone. In the United States, every minute another two divorces occur. It has become something of a norm, which can be seen as unfortunate of course, as it signifies the end of a once serious relationship, but it is very often in the best interest of most if not all parties involved, including children or other family members. But for those not at that point yet, it is wise to consider all the numerous factors that go into a healthy marriage. To begin with, those who have been together for three years or more before getting engaged are generally 39% less likely to eventually face divorce than couples who got engaged less than a year into their dating relationship. People are, however, getting married at older ages in recent years compared to the average person being wed in the 1950’s. Waiting for that little bit of extra wisdom that comes with even just a few years can sometimes make all the difference.
The process of divorce
It is a good idea to find a divorce lawyer early on, as there are many stages of the whole process, and as divorce papers officially break a union recognized by law, it is best to have someone on hand who knows the ins and outs of the law. When you need a divorce lawyer, a good place to start is to ask a family lawyer for advice. And then strap in for the long haul. It might take no time at all, but sometimes it can be more stretched out. As quickly as you’d like to be done with the whole thing, the average wait time after the divorce is both filed and served
can be zero to six months before the divorce is finalized. And apart from the divorce itself, it will take time to reconstruct the rest of your life and living situation.
Divorce has a reputation of being devastatingly difficult. It can be heartbreaking. It will be life-changing. But it can be life-changing for the better, as any major change can, with the right outlook, and plenty of positivity!