While there are many who possess a basic understanding of legal matters and are confident enough to go over legal documents with relative ease and even provide a little advice to friends and family when needed. However, most specific domains of the law include complex, layered information and facts that are usually not within the grasp of lay people. This is why, when urgent and important legal matters are at hand, people generally choose to hire an experienced lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the legal conundrum in question.
One area of law which is complex and nuanced is real estate law, and when it comes to real estate law cases, it is always better to acquire the express services of a skilled and experienced real estate attorney. Facets such as personal property law, adverse possession, boundary dispute and foreclosure process are fraught with legal complications, and only a reputed real estate law firm can help you with a complete understanding of such cases. To begin with, you need some basic information about adverse possession and what it entails.
Adverse Possession — What It Means
Real estate law is often filled with points and provisions that need quite a bit of insight to unravel. For example, there is a provision which says that landlords must provide 60 days of notice before reclaiming those properties where tenants have lived for more than a year. Adverse possession is a process through which rights can be gained over another’s property, through the act of occupying that property for a particular duration of time and in a manner which poses a conflict with the rights of the real owner of the land. Good examples of these are cases of squatting and the possession of chattel property. In these circumstances, local statutes and common law make certain provisions for possession, and this presents a legal conundrum that might be more complicated than you think.
Usually in eviction procedures, the cases come to court before a judge within 20 days of filing, irrespective of which party files the suit. In California, the standard average period to close on a house verges on 40 days, and these just serve to show that real estate law matters can take time and effort to properly sort out. If you have the right kind of legal help, this process can be expedited and you have a better chance of reaching the right kind of results that you are after.
In short, concepts like adverse possession are complicated on paper. When faced in real life, these situations are even trickier, and it takes competent legal minds to make sense of things. If you find yourself involved in an adverse possession situation, the best decision you can make is to immediately hire a good real estate lawyer and plan things properly so as to enhance your chances of reaching a favorable decision.